By Jody Kohn
If you spend any time at all inside the Mayweather Boxing Club, you will see a variety of fighters pass through getting in some training in an effort to become a champion. One fighter who has become a much more frequent visitor to the gym is Mikaela Mayer, one of the more gifted women currently competing in amateur boxing.
It seems almost a prerequisite to call her “the girl from the Dr. Pepper commercial” or “the model who also boxes,” but Mayer is much more than just a thirty second ad or a picture in a magazine. She is also a very driven, talented fighter who is determined to become the best at her craft. She doesn’t take losing lightly, and when things don’t go her way, she sets out to make the adjustments necessary in order to improve her next time out.
We spoke to Mayer after she finished sparring at the gym and got her to comment on what she has been up to in the recent months, as well as what she has coming up in the future. The one thing people are most curious about are her plans for the upcoming Olympics, as well as a possible professional career. She addresses those issues as well as several things a little off topic.
Be sure to follow Mikaela on Twitter @MikaelaMayer1 to keep up with what she has going on. Also, “Like” her on Facebook HERE.