ADAM “THE BOMBER” ETCHES has vowed to make 2016 a year to remember.
The Sheffield middleweight, 24, was due to face Japan’s Yosuke Kirima in Monte Carlo on November 7, but was forced to withdraw due to injury.
However, he’s not let the setback get him down and is aiming to make a big splash in the New Year.
“This year has been frustrating to say the least,” Etches said. “Now I’ve got to kick on and get back up the ladder.
“I won’t be back in the ring this year, but I really believe 2016 is when I’ll really kick on and make a name for myself. I’ll be ready for anyone and there’s definitely some big fights out there.
“Losing to Khomitsky has obviously pushed me back a bit, but I still believe I can mix it with the likes of Eubank Jnr and Nick Blackwell.
“Eubank himself lost to Billy Joe Saunders and look at where he’s got to now. I’d have been in that class if I hadn’t have had that premature stoppage against Khomitsky and next year I’ll prove it.”
Due to his high knockout ratio, Etches has struggled to nail down a string of name opponents in the past, but he feels his luck will soon change.
“As daft as it sounds, that Khomitsky fight was a blessing in disguise,” he said. “Before that, my manager Richard [Poxon] was making offers to fighters and getting knocked back. Now I think getting fights will be easier and, like I say, I’m ready for anyone.
“People will be looking at me and thinking they can take me. You know what? Bring them on and they’ll be in for a massive shock.”