Being a nutritionist gives you an advantage on how to prepare your body for a 12 round fight and 12 weeks of training. Describe your diet, exercising habits and hours of sleep.
“I average between 8-9 hours a sleep a night/day between naps. I generally eat between 5-7 times a day, around 3500 calories during training camp. I eat lots of fresh fruits and colorful veggies to help with recovery.
“I also eat a lot of complex grains and no processed foods. I prepare and cook about 90% of my own food and meals.
“I train 6 days a week. Most days I train twice a day. I do strength and conditioning twice a week, cardio four times a week and boxing five days a week. With my cardio I do more sprint work then distance work, but I alternate between the two.
“I also get weekly massages for recovery, once a week and take an ice bath after every sparring session, which is not fun, but it is necessary.
“I take a very scientific and calculated approach to everything I do when in training leading up to the fight and in the ring on fight night. Manny said that I will be the most conditioned and smartest fighter that he will ever face. He is right.”
“24/7 PACQUIAO/ALGIERI” premieres Saturday, Nov. 8 at 1:00 a.m. (ET/PT) on HBO immediately following the live World Championship Boxing event from Atlantic City.
PACQUIAO VS. ALGIERI happens Saturday, November 22 live on pay-per-view beginning at 9:00 p.m. ET/6:00 p.m. PT.