By Jody Kohn
It is no secret that the sport of women’s boxing has fallen on hard times lately. Though there are many talented fighters out there, they get almost no recognition.
So when former champion Holly Holm went to MMA and subsequently knocked off superstar Ronda Rousey, many people predicted that win would be just the shot in the arm the sport needed. Unfortunately, so far, that has not been the case. Top fighters like Ava Knight and layla McCarter either can not get onto good cards here in the U.S, or they need to go to other countries where they are appreciated more. In fact, Knight has fought almost exclusively in Mexico in the past several years, despite being one of the most decorated champions in the game.
We talked to Ava about her upcoming fight (again in Mexico), as well as if she had any desire to follow Holm to the greener pastures of MMA. Unlike when we last talked to her, this time she seemed much more open to the possibility.
“We are working on a contract with Invicta right now,” she said when asked if she has had a change of heart.
The major difference between her goals and those of some women who have defected from boxing is that Knight wants to do it specifically to bring the spotlight back to boxing. She has no desire to abandon boxing completely, and that is a great thing for her first sport.
Time will tell if Knight can make a difference, but it is great to know she is willing to do her part to put the focus back on women’s boxing. Check out the full interview to hear what else Ava had to say.