Trying to maintain professionalism in my journalistic endeavors is something I frequently struggle with. So when it comes to covering Ava Knight and her battles in the ring, it is incredibly difficult not to slip into “guy” mode and discuss more than just her exploits as a competitor. Sure, she is a world champion, possessing skills very few women in the sport can match, but not once have I been able to talk about how hot she is!
So when I saw that little news feed on my Twitter page saying something about a bikini, imagine my excitement! I feel it is my duty as a hard core journalist to cover this story as completely as possible. What I have uncovered is Ava Knight apparently has a desire to compete not only inside the ring, but in other places as well.
The tweet mentions that she will be entering the Chico Bodybuilding, Figure & Bikini contest coming up. And the best part is, she is looking for a sponsor!
She tweeted, “I’m doing this!!! First time #body #bodybuilding #chicoca #figure #bikini #fitness #musclemilk #muscles #gym Time to start putting in that WORK! Looking for a sponsor for entry form fee…”
At the time of this writing, there has been no update involving a sponsor being found, so this is the perfect opportunity for any red-blooded male who is interested in sponsoring one of the most talented fighters in women’s boxing. The price is right, and how could anyone honestly deny themselves the opportunity?
For those not familiar with Ava Knight, do yourself a favor and look her up. Not only is she not difficult to look at, she is probably the most complete package in the sport. When Laila Ali left women’s boxing, there was a huge void that has yet to be filled. Her combination of skill and looks captured the imagination of many who never thought they could get into women’s boxing. The fans that had come to the sport with Ali mostly left when she retired, leaving many talented women to fight for very few fans.
With the rise of Ava Knight, things may change. At just 24 years of age, she has compiled an impressive 11-1-3 record on a resume that includes some of the best boxers in the business, many of whom have much more experience. Her combination of ability, intelligence, looks and availability on social media makes her a prime candidate to be the next face of ladies boxing.
So I ask again, how could anyone not want to sponsor Ava Knight in a bikini contest? Do yourself a favor and contact her on Twitter and offer your services immediately. She has great abs, a great smile, and all the other stuff needed to claim the title. After all, she is used to beating Barbie’s in competition. You can also visit her donation page by clicking HERE.