By: Albert Alvarez
In watching the fight, it appeared that Austin ”No Doubt” Trout fought a very composed fight. To me, he displayed a lot of courage, passion, and grit. Miguel Cotto, in contrast, looked very flat. It also seemed that Cotto, perhaps, overlooked Trout. The reason I believe that is because a few days before the fight, Cotto mentioned to members of the press that he did not see anything special in Trout. So when the non-threat turned out to be a threat, Cotto could not fully grasp the nightmare that he found himself in.
Trout would not be denied. I love the way he used the reach of his right arm to be his ruler and at the same time used it as a way to keep Cotto away from seeking comfortable range. Before the fight, I mentioned that Trout was going to have to throw a minimum of 800 punches to win this fight. I believe that he threw just below that. While not quite 800, Trout’s composed form of attack was more than enough to get the job done.
I also mentioned that it would be interesting to see exactly how much was taken out of Cotto in his last fight against Floyd Mayweather Jr. It turns out that a lot was taken out of Miguel in that rough and tough fight. Trout, on the other hand, has a lot of air in his lungs and is now more than ever, a force to be reckoned with.
Another thing that I noticed, was the mid section stab jab that Trout was touching Cotto with. That stab jab of Trout would land, then Trout would very wisely follow it up with a sharp right uppercut. Cotto couldn’t make the adjustment needed and because of that, and Trout was able to keep scoring.
Speaking of scoring, 116-112 for Trout is how I scored it, but there were a lot of close rounds in there. If Cotto had been given the decision, I would have picked Canelo Alvarez (even though Canelo is almost as good looking as I, sorry but no relation) to beat up on Miguel Cotto. Seeing that the right man got the decision, if I were forced to pick right now, I would favor Trout to beat Canelo in a very tough fight. There is a lot of space between the lip and the cup for us to even begin the break down of a Alvarez/Trout clash, but one thing that is certain, No Doubt about it, Austin Trout has arrived.