I first met Dewey a couple years ago as he was training with Jeff Mayweather. Being known primarily in kickboxing, I had heard his name, but was not too familiar with his resume. As time has gone by, I have learned a lot more about the man, as well as his long list of accomplishments. What I have not been able to understand is how he finds time to do everything he has while at the same time appearing to be an incredible dad to a beautiful daughter.
Over the next several weeks, I am going to take a deeper look at the man who just can’t seem to have enough irons in the fire. As he prepares for a return to K-1 in September, we will examine his career both in the ring and cage, as well as his transition to training fighters, and even his music career. Of course no look at Dewey would be complete without also looking into some of the incredible travels he has enjoyed in his life.
Stay tuned as we get into the incredible story of Dewey Cooper, the busiest man in fighting.