When taking in the spectacle that is a Floyd Mayweather media day, we noticed in the corner a man that is still regarded by many as the hardest puncher in boxing history.
Although Earnie Shavers does not follow the sport as closely as he did when he used to compete, he couldn’t resist the chance to stop by the Mayweather Boxing Club to check in on The Money Team during their media day on Wednesday. Preferring to stand off to the side, Shavers was more than happy to chat and take photos with people who approached him. The fearsome appearance has long been replaced by a big grin and pleasant demeanor. If you did not know his past, it would be shocking to learn that many of his legendary foes, including Larry Holmes and Muhammad Ali, considered him to be the hardest puncher they ever faced.
Shavers spent a few moments talking to us, giving his opinions on the sport today, as well as informing us of what he is up to now that he has left he sport behind.