Former two division WBO champion, Juan Manuel Lopez, could be back in the ring, before the end of this year. The WBO will reevaluate the suspension they brought down on Lopez. At a WBO ceremony on Wednesday, the boxing organization addressed the situation involving JuanMa and asked the Boxing Professional Commission of Puerto Rico to reconsider taking a second look at the one year suspension.
The suspension stems from comments JuanMa made about referee Roberto Ramirez Sr., after his second loss to Orlando Salido. JuanMa, along with former WBO champions, Ivan “Iron Boy” Calderon and Alex “El Nene” Sanchez were all present to see WBO female junior flyweight champion Yesica “La Tuti” Bopp receive a diamond ring for her title defenses. JuanMa has kept himself busy providing commentary on television at local boxing shows.