All three of the Mayweather brothers can be found at the Mayweather Boxing Club on a daily basis working with their fighters who are at various stages in their careers. Floyd Mayweather Sr. and Roger both work with Floyd, as well as others ranging from unbeaten prospects to six year old kids. Jeff Mayweather has former world champions and has also branched out to MMA working with such notable fighters as Roy Nelson and King Mo.
Visitors to the gym are often surprised to see them working with relatively unknown fighters, considering their work with some of the top fighters in the world. However, they are all constantly on the lookout for the next Floyd Mayweather.
Jeff Mayweather working with one of his MMA guys, King Mo (11-2)
Roger Mayweather with unbeaten Don Moore (16-0).
Floyd Mayweather with the fighter he believes is his next champion, Andrew Tabiti (1-0)