At the Mayweather Boxing Club in Las Vegas, fighters from all over the world look to train in order to become world champions. One of the relatively recent arrivals is Milorad Zizic, a fighter out of the tiny country of Montenegro who is hoping that the move to the MBC can elevate him to a world title opportunity.
At 9-0, his career is certainly off to a promising start. And since he is competing at middleweight, he is in the right place to train considering the gym has some of the best talent to be found anywhere in the world in and around his weight class.
We spent a few moments with Milorad before he began his workout to ask him what his experience inside the gym and in Las Vegas has been like so far. He is optimistic that the move will pay off and ultimately lead him to his dream of becoming a world champion in the near future.
PBI will be sure to keep you updated on this exciting young prospect. In the near future we will be posting a variety of videos that show the type of training he is going through.