Statement from the Goossen Family: “It is with overwhelming regret that we announce the passing of Dan Goossen, 64, from complications relating to liver cancer. The sudden news of his diagnosis was very much a private matter and his final days were spent surrounded by his family and closest friends. Sadness is difficult to escape as we grieve his passing, however we are filled with pride by the fact that Dan Goossen battled this aggressive illness with boundless strength and the last days of his life were fought and lived with unflinching bravery, pure love and grace beyond measure.”
Arrangements are pending and details will be announced in the next few days.
A statement from Stephen Espinoza, on behalf of SHOWTIME Sports: “All of us at Showtime are deeply saddened by the passing of Dan Goossen. This news has come as a shock to many of us who knew Dan personally, beyond our collaborative work on boxing events, for decades. We will remember Dan as a passionate advocate for the sport of boxing, a fun-loving colleague and friend, and, above all, a devoutly religious family man. Our deepest sympathies to the entire Goossen family. May he rest in peace.”
HBO Sports Statement: “Everybody at HBO is saddened by the sudden loss of Dan Goossen. Our prayers are with the entire family.” Ken Hershman