By Michele Emrick
As social media has taken hold of the world, it has allowed us, the fans, to get a better look into the lives of our favorite athletes, celebrities and random people.
On more than one occasion, people have sent tweets out not thinking about the consequences of saying something stupid. As a result we have seen athletes released from contracts, celebrities forced to backtrack, pretending to apologize for something they sent out, knowing full well that they didn’t mean the apology. And of course most of us are wise enough to know they didn’t mean it either.
Since I write about boxing, I feel it is my duty to be on the lookout for such stupidity when it comes to boxers. Rarely do I go a day without reading something that I find offensive, crude, ugly, or just leaves me scratching my head.
One such example of the latter is the case of Zab Judah, former world champion. Zab, as those who follow him are aware, is one of the more active boxers on Twitter. He loves to send out tweets spreading the word of God, his good deeds done, and of course, calling Danny Garcia fat, flabby, and a woman. Of course the latter comments would hardly be considered Christian-like.
Now it may be just a part of customary trash talk that goes on between two rivals, but if you look at his tweets, it comes across as rather humorous, sad, or quite hypocritical, depending on your own sense of values. No matter where your morals are, the least you can assume from looking at his tweets that at least half the time he is 100% insincere.
As an example, take a look at these consecutive tweets he has fired off in just the past 24 hours.
Luke 10:19ZAB JUDAH 5x Champ! @SUPERJUDAH
Philippians 4:12Is this the Team Garcia Mascot or is that Fat flabby Danny Ya’ll tell me Cause I really don’t know! Lmbo @DannySwift
You will be the first girl I hit and won’t go to jail for it @DannySwift April 27, I’m going to destroy you Mama… #Garciagirls
In the span of three hours, he went from quoting verses in the Bible, to insulting the physical appearance of Danny Garcia and expressing joy in finally being able to hit a girl without going to jail.
It’s not a big deal to me. I understand that quotes like the ones made to Garcia are all part of the game. However, perhaps Zab Judah should reconsider how he conducts himself. If he is as devoted to God as he proclaims, then is it not at least a bit disrespectful to be weaving quotes from the Bible in with such comments as those aimed at Danny Garcia?
Whether the true Zab Judah is the one quoting verses, insulting fighters, or somewhere in between, it all could lead to those who follow him to conclude he is not to be taken seriously.
No matter what the real truth is, I will sit back and enjoy the hypocrisy of it all. Carry on Zab!