According to his official Twitter account, Floyd Mayweather Jr. has reunited with his father for his upcoming bout on May 4.
In a tweet Wednesday night, Floyd said, “Me & my trainer (my dad) back working together getting ready for May 4th.”
Although there has been speculation that the pair would be reuniting for the past several months, nothing had been confirmed. The speculation was do in large part because of the ailing health of Floyd’s normal trainer, his uncle Roger Mayweather.
Although Floyd Mayweather Jr. has been known to mislead those who follow him on social media, the photo and tweet would seem to suggest a reunion of father and son.
Of course it was Floyd Mayweather Sr. who guided his son as a child and throughout much of his early career. However, the two had a falling out and Floyd Mayweather Jr. turned to his uncle Roger. Roger Mayweather continued the success of his nephew, making Floyd Jr. the most famous active fighter on the planet.
Floyd Mayweather Sr. returned to his son’s side for some recent fights, but was famously kicked out of his camp for the Victor Ortiz fight. It remains to be seen if Floyd Mayweather Sr. will be the lead trainer for Jr.’s next fight, or just serve as an assistant to Roger Mayweather.
Jeff Mayweather, another of Floyd’s uncles, was not aware of the news when reached for comment, but speculated it would be in a supporting role.
“Well Roger is his trainer. Maybe he’s allowing his father to be a part of his camp,” Jeff speculated when told of the news.
Time will tell what exactly Floyd Sr.’s role will be in the camp of his son. However, it is likely to be entertaining as the Mayweather family is frequently involved in more than its share of drama. The elder Mayweather, it cannot be denied, is one of the best trainers in the business. If the pair can get along, there is no doubt he would be a welcome addition to his son’s team.